Daisy Acevedo
This lot from Daisy Acevedo has somewhat of a backstory. Daisy is the daughter of Gustavo Acevedo, who we have purchased coffee from in the past. Gustavo has grown coffee all his life, near the town of La Celia in Risaralda, mainly of lower quality Castillo and Catimor plants. A few years ago, Daisy and her husband Freddy returned from living in Panama with stories of a varietal that was taking the coffee world by storm and making producers in the country good money for their crops – Geisha. On her return to Risaralda, Daisy attempted to get hold of some seeds locally for her father, but without much success. On a return visit to Panama, Daisy and Freddy were able to procure some seeds, but weren’t sure if they were of the correct Geisha varietal. They planted them on Gustavo’s farm outside La Celia, and almost forgot about them.