Cerro Azul
The Mierisch family are one of the most talented in taste profiling which requires high-end skills on both growing and processing. This coffee is round and steady, a sweet go to coffee that you can rely on. The Mierisch are also focusing on environmental and social impacts in every aspect of their business of which you can read more about below. All of these things make this a beautiful coffee in every way.
About Cerro Azul
The Mierisch family is the leading role in speciality coffee in Nicaragua, where they have been in the finals in Cup of Excellence many times and are well established. As they decided to take on a farm in Honduras as well, they took their whole team over to build up good structure and routines in order to be able to ensure they will deliver the same quality. The Red Catuaí from here is a coffee you would drink every day, maybe three cups a day. It is round and well balanced.